We've been experimenting with the Japanese art of Origami at Activity Centres. With origami, we can fold flat pieces of paper so that they create a 3D sculpture. Check out our boats!!
For Esker Loves Books Week, we made a special effort to read even more than we usually do.
Our sunflowers are doing so well that we decided to plant some beetroot, kale and oriental leaf radish. Plants need light, warmth, water, space and nutrients to grow so we made sure that we provided all of these things.
We can now do Sudoku with 9 numbers!! And our Maths Eyes are working very well too. We have come up with some wonderful Maths questions about pictures at stations.
Look what we made today! The ancient Egyptians used a loom, but a piece of card worked pretty well for us!
We solved two mysteries via Skype this week! On Thursday, we had a Skype call with our buddies from Rhode Island. We had to guess what animal they were thinking of! On Friday, we watched our final clue from our mystery class and decided that they must be from Pennsylvania, U.S.A!
Bhí ceolchoirm agus céilí mór againn inniú! Chanamar 'Jeaic agus an Gas Pónaire' agus bhí craic íontach againn!
There has been some great teamwork going on in Second Class Red at Activity Centres. Our problem solving continued this week with Tarsias and Sudoku.
We have been reading about Tutankhamun. Watch this video we made to hear some of the facts we have learned!