We learned lots about the U.S. during our latest Skype call with 2nd Grade in Narrangansett, Rhode Island. We shared our questions with each other on Twitter so that we could prepare our answers. Here are the questions!
Ours: http://padlet.com/NiamhDG/dkn2t9g3vk8g
Theirs: http://padlet.com/mccallig/1q2xmoaogd7o
We found the answers very interesting. Our Skype buddies even sang us a Spanish song!
Ours: http://padlet.com/NiamhDG/dkn2t9g3vk8g
Theirs: http://padlet.com/mccallig/1q2xmoaogd7o
We found the answers very interesting. Our Skype buddies even sang us a Spanish song!